A week in Times. The 50-panel series as montage.


Here’s a quick look at my 50-panel painting project chronicling the pandemic. What started as a way to express my outrage at the upheaval during this time grew to become an anchor, holding me steady to take in the event’s day-to-day. Using the front page of the New York Times as a scaffolding, I replaced one image in the newspaper with a color from the sky while writing the photo’s caption at the bottom of each panel. Mixing beauty and news of the day in a panel the size of the newspaper.

A few captions from the series: “Mourners laid flowers and notes on the steps of the Supreme Court on Friday night after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 9.20.2020”, “A week in Times. 11.15.2020 Democracy at Risk. Refrigerated trailers are being used as morgues by El Paso’s medical examiner’s office.”, and “President Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday night, became the first president to address Congress with two women behind him as the next officials in the line of succession. “Our government still works,” he said. 4.29. 2021 First 100 days #100”

The variation in image quality and exposure is due to not being able to reach my photographer for professional photographs during the pandemic. They are all on the same white resin panels, each is 22” x 12”, the size of the front page of the NY Times.


Where We Meet Ourselves : Debra Ramsay + GJ Kimsunken Two-Person Exhibition


Thrilled to be a part of the artists talk tonight with Mary Birmingham at Visual Arts Center of New Jersey