Select 6 Exhibition, online

Thrilled to be included:

“Garvey|Simon is pleased to announce Select 6, the sixth annual exhibition of work by emerging and mid-career artists chosen by director Elizabeth K. Garvey.

In the progressive spirit of the Artist Review program, Garvey will be producing Select 6 online with and selected works on view by appointment on the Upper West Side. By using this vetted online marketplace, the exhibition will have an extended duration, and the opportunity to reach an increasingly global audience. Though these artworks represent a diverse array of modes and aesthetics, they are united by their unwavering attention to detail, and unmistakable presence of the artist’s hand.”

For further information, to see more images, or to schedule an in-person or Zoom viewing, please visit Garvey Simon or contact Elizabeth Garvey at or 917-796-2146.


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